ASUS ROG GU501G: Gaming Laptop

ASUS ROG GU501G: The Ultimate Gaming Laptop with Core i7 8th Gen


Today, we're diving into the world of high-performance gaming laptops with a detailed review of the ASUS ROG GU501G, a powerhouse equipped with an 8th Gen Core i7 processor. This review aims to give you a comprehensive understanding of what makes this laptop a standout choice for gamers and content creators alike.

Firstly, let's talk about its gaming chops. The ASUS ROG GU501G is engineered to deliver top-notch gaming experiences, thanks to its robust hardware and finely tuned settings. We'll take you through a series of gaming benchmarks to showcase just how well this laptop performs under pressure.

But it's not all about gaming. We're also going to delve into the nitty-gritty of its CPU performance. The Core i7 8th Gen processor at its heart promises smooth and efficient multitasking, making this laptop a great choice for a variety of demanding tasks beyond gaming.

A major concern for any gaming laptop is how well it handles heat, and the ASUS ROG GU501G doesn't disappoint. We'll discuss how its cooling system manages to keep thermal throttling at bay, ensuring consistent performance during those marathon gaming sessions.

Another critical aspect we'll cover is the display quality, specifically focusing on backlight bleed. It's a common issue that can mar the visual experience, especially in darker scenes. We'll assess the ASUS ROG GU501G's display and give you our findings on its backlight bleed performance.

Stay with us as we unpack all these details to help you decide if the ASUS ROG GU501G is the right gaming laptop for you in 2024. Whether you're a hardcore gamer or a creative professional, this review will provide you with all the insights you need. Let's get started!

Design and Features

The ASUS ROG GU501G is designed with both functionality and aesthetics in mind. Its trackpad and keyboard provide a tactile, glass-like feel, with a clicky response that enhances the user experience. The keyboard is equipped with zone lighting, adjustable through the system, offering a customizable and visually striking aspect. The 1.6mm key travel contributes to a superb typing experience, ranking it highly among Windows laptops.

This model includes convenient quick keys for controlling volume, muting, and accessing the microphone and control center. The control center is a versatile tool, enabling users to adjust keyboard lighting, fan noise, and even to disable the Windows key and trackpad, which is particularly useful during gaming sessions.

For those who engage in video conferencing or streaming, the laptop is equipped with a 720p camera. While this meets basic needs, an external camera might be necessary for higher quality requirements.

The build quality of the ASUS ROG GU501G is noteworthy, featuring a sturdy, zero-flex chassis and effective ventilation, ensuring both durability and longevity. The laptop has undergone rigorous pressure testing, showing no signs of flex. Its bottom-firing speakers enhance the gaming experience by providing immersive audio.

The laptop is designed for easy upgradability, with accessible screws on the bottom for hard drive and memory enhancements. It also boasts an array of IO ports, including HDMI, USB-C with Thunderbolt 3, USB 3.0, and a headphone-microphone combo jack, making it well-suited for VR gaming.

Portability is a key feature, with the power adapter strategically placed on the left side and a lightweight, compact design, weighing just 5 pounds. For those requiring more connectivity, there is an option for USB-C port expansion, adding to its versatility.

Display and Gaming Performance

The ASUS ROG GU501G stands out in both display and gaming performance, offering an engaging and visually impressive experience.

• Reduced Backlight Bleed

A notable attribute of the GU501G is its reduced backlight bleed. This feature enhances the visual experience, particularly in darker scenes, by minimizing distracting light leakage.

• Wide-Viewing Angles on the 120Hz Display

The 120Hz display of the GU501G boasts wide-viewing angles. This means you can view your games and multimedia from various positions without experiencing color distortion or image bending.

• Gaming Benchmarks at Full Power

We tested the ASUS ROG GU501G's limits by running games at their highest settings. The laptop excelled, providing fluid gameplay and high frame rates, even in demanding games.

• In-Depth Gaming Benchmarks Available

For more in-depth gaming benchmarks, follow this link to our full review.

• Effective Cooling and Quiet Fans

The ASUS ROG GU501G is equipped with an efficient cooling system that keeps it at optimal temperatures during intense gaming, preventing any thermal throttling. Additionally, the fans operate quietly, ensuring a disturbance-free gaming experience.

• Benchmark Scores:Impressive Results

In benchmark testing, the ASUS ROG GU501G scored impressively. It achieved around 2070 in the Unigine Heaven benchmark and surpassed 10,000 in the Fire Strike benchmark. These high scores demonstrate the laptop's ability to handle demanding applications smoothly.

• Stable Performance During Overclocking

The ASUS ROG GU501G maintains stable temperatures even when overclocked, ensuring that it can sustain high-performance levels without thermal issues.


The ASUS ROG GU501G truly stands out in 2024, offering a compelling blend of power, performance, and value. It's a top contender in the laptop market, catering not only to gamers but also to content creators.

Gaming-wise, the ASUS ROG GU501G doesn't disappoint. It smoothly handles demanding games, ensuring an immersive experience with high frame rates. This is largely due to its robust hardware and finely-tuned settings, which together create a formidable gaming setup.

The laptop's Core i7 8th Gen processor is a highlight, especially when it comes to multitasking and overall performance. It deftly balances gaming demands with everyday productivity tasks, making it a versatile choice for various users.

An impressive aspect of the ASUS ROG GU501G is its cooling system. It effectively manages heat even during extensive gaming sessions, preventing thermal throttling. This not only boosts performance but also contributes to the device's durability.

The visual experience on the ASUS ROG GU501G is also noteworthy. Its 120Hz display panel offers minimal backlight bleeding and excellent viewing angles, providing a vibrant and sharp visual output that enhances both gaming and multimedia experiences.

Overall, the ASUS ROG GU501G is a standout gaming laptop of 2024. Its combination of power, performance, and affordability makes it an ideal option for gamers and content creators alike. For those seeking a high-quality gaming experience without overspending, the ASUS ROG GU501G is certainly a laptop to consider.

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Frequently Asked Questions about the ASUS ROG GU501G:

1. VR Gaming Compatibility:

• Can the ASUS ROG GU501G handle VR gaming?

Absolutely! The ASUS ROG GU501G is equipped with a range of IO ports, including HDMI and USB-C with Thunderbolt 3, making it a great fit for VR gaming experiences.

2. Upgradability of Hard Drive and Memory:

• Is it easy to upgrade the hard drive and memory on this laptop?

Yes, upgrading is a breeze. The ASUS ROG GU501G is designed for easy upgrades to both the hard drive and memory. Simply unscrew a few parts on the bottom of the laptop, and you're all set.

3. Availability of IO Ports for External Devices:

• Does this laptop have enough IO ports for connecting external devices?

Indeed, it does. The ASUS ROG GU501G boasts an impressive array of IO ports. You'll find HDMI, USB-C with Thunderbolt 3, USB 3.0, and a combined headphone-microphone jack.

4. Cooling Performance and Fan Noise:

• How does the laptop fare in terms of cooling and fan noise?

The ASUS ROG GU501G excels in this area. It's equipped with an advanced cooling system that keeps it cool even during demanding gaming sessions. Plus, it operates quietly, ensuring a distraction-free gaming environment.

5. Overall Value:

• Is the ASUS ROG GU501G worth its price?

Without a doubt. The ASUS ROG GU501G stands out as a top pick for both gamers and content creators. Given its combination of power, performance, and overall value, it's an excellent investment.

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