"Nvidia's Blackwell B200: AI Revolution"

Nvidia Announces the Blackwell B200 GPU for AI Computing


Nvidia recently made an exciting announcement in the field of AI computing with the introduction of the Blackwell B200 GPU. This innovative platform is set to revolutionize the way GPUs are designed and utilized, opening up new possibilities for AI-driven applications and systems. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the Blackwell B200 GPU and explore its groundbreaking features and capabilities.

Overview of Blackwell B200 GPU

The Blackwell B200 GPU is not just a typical chip; it represents a new platform that is poised to redefine the landscape of AI computing. With 28 billion transistors, this GPU boasts an unprecedented level of computational power, paving the way for advanced AI applications and solutions. One of its key features is the innovative two-die configuration, where two dies are seamlessly integrated to function as a single chip, enabling enhanced performance and efficiency.

Furthermore, the Blackwell B200 GPU is equipped with a remarkable 10 terabytes per second of data transfer capability, ensuring seamless communication between its components. This high-speed data transfer is instrumental in eliminating memory locality and cache issues, resulting in a more streamlined and efficient computing process. The GPU is designed to seamlessly integrate with existing Hopper systems, providing a form fit function compatibility that allows for easy upgrades and adoption.

One of the most notable components of the Blackwell B200 GPU is the MVY Link switch, which houses an impressive 50 billion transistors and is nearly the size of the Hopper GPU itself. This switch facilitates rapid communication between GPUs, enabling them to operate at full speed and unlocking the potential for building high-performance AI systems. With the Blackwell B200 GPU, Nvidia has ushered in a new era of AI computing, offering unmatched speed, efficiency, and scalability for a wide range of applications.

Features of Blackwell B200 GPU

The Blackwell B200 GPU is a groundbreaking platform that represents a new era in AI computing. Some of its key features include:

  • 28 billion transistors for unparalleled computational power
  • Innovative two-die configuration for enhanced performance and efficiency
  • 10 terabytes per second of data transfer capability for seamless communication between components
  • Form fit function compatibility with existing Hopper systems for easy upgrades and adoption
  • MVY Link switch with 50 billion transistors for rapid communication between GPUs
  • Memory coherent design for efficient and streamlined computing processes
  • Compatibility with a wide range of AI-driven applications and systems

With these features, the Blackwell B200 GPU is poised to revolutionize AI computing and unlock new possibilities for advanced AI applications and solutions. This platform offers unmatched speed, efficiency, and scalability, making it an ideal choice for a variety of computing needs.

Compatibility with Hopper

The Blackwell B200 GPU seamlessly integrates with existing Hopper systems, providing form fit function compatibility that allows for easy upgrades and adoption. This means that users can simply slide a Hopper and push in Blackwell, making the transition to the new platform efficient and hassle-free.

With installations of Hoppers already present around the world, the compatibility with the Blackwell B200 GPU ensures that existing infrastructure, power, and software can be utilized without the need for significant changes. This makes the process of upgrading to the Blackwell B200 GPU cost-effective and convenient for users.

Overall, the compatibility with Hopper systems positions the Blackwell B200 GPU as a seamless and efficient solution for those looking to leverage the advanced capabilities of this groundbreaking platform within their existing AI computing infrastructure.

Use Cases and Applications

The Blackwell B200 GPU offers a wide range of use cases and applications, making it a versatile and powerful platform for AI computing. Some of the key applications and use cases for the Blackwell B200 GPU include:

AI-Driven Applications

With its unparalleled computational power and memory coherent design, the Blackwell B200 GPU is well-suited for a variety of AI-driven applications. From content token generation to generative AI era processing, the Blackwell B200 GPU can handle the most demanding AI workloads with ease.

High-Performance AI Systems

The Blackwell B200 GPU, in combination with the MVY Link switch, enables the construction of high-performance AI systems. These systems can leverage the full speed communication between GPUs, resulting in enhanced efficiency and scalability for complex AI workloads.

Cloud Computing and Data Processing

Blackwell's compatibility with Hopper systems and its form fit function design make it an ideal choice for cloud computing and data processing. Whether it's accelerating data processing engines or optimizing and accelerating every aspect of cloud computing, the Blackwell B200 GPU offers a seamless and efficient solution.

Robotics and Virtual Simulation

For robotics and virtual simulation, the Blackwell B200 GPU lays the foundation for the next generation of AI-powered robotics. With its connection to Omniverse and its ability to power complex digital twin simulations, the Blackwell B200 GPU is essential for training and simulating AI-powered robots and virtual environments.

Partnerships and Collaborations

Nvidia has announced several key partnerships and collaborations for the Blackwell B200 GPU, solidifying its position as a groundbreaking platform for AI computing. These partnerships include:

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

AWS is gearing up for Blackwell, with plans to build the first GPU with secure AI and a 222 exaflops system. Additionally, AWS Health has integrated Nvidia Health into its infrastructure, showcasing the deep collaboration between Nvidia and AWS in accelerated computing and AI solutions.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Google Cloud is already equipped with A100s, H100s, T4s, L4s, and a fleet of Nvidia Cuda GPUs. The partnership with Nvidia extends to optimizing and accelerating various aspects of GCP, including data processing, AI, and robotics, demonstrating the commitment to advancing AI capabilities in the cloud.


Oracle is a key partner for Nvidia's DGX Cloud and is collaborating to accelerate AI solutions for a wide range of computing needs. The partnership with Oracle showcases the seamless integration of Nvidia's advanced AI technology into Oracle's infrastructure and cloud services.

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft and Nvidia have a wide-ranging partnership, accelerating a variety of services and AI capabilities within Azure. From AI services and chatbots to Nvidia Omniverse and Nvidia Healthcare integration, the collaboration with Microsoft Azure is driving the adoption of advanced AI solutions across industries.


Dell is poised to play a crucial role in the AI ecosystem, as companies looking to leverage advanced AI capabilities will need to build AI factories. Dell's expertise in building end-to-end systems for large-scale enterprises positions it as a key partner in enabling the adoption of AI solutions powered by the Blackwell B200 GPU.

Nvidia AI Foundry Partnerships

Nvidia's AI Foundry has established partnerships with some of the world's leading companies to advance AI capabilities across various industries. These partnerships include:


Nvidia and SAP are collaborating to build SAP Jewel co-pilots using Nvidia Nemo and dgx Cloud. With SAP generating 87% of the world's global commerce, this partnership is set to redefine AI-driven solutions for global business operations.


ServiceNow, which serves 85% of the world's Fortune 500 companies, is leveraging Nvidia AI Foundry to build ServiceNow Assist virtual assistance. This collaboration is expected to enhance customer service and operational efficiency for a wide range of businesses.


Cohesity, a data backup company, is partnering with Nvidia AI Foundry to build their generative AI agent. With access to over 10,000 companies' data, this collaboration holds great potential for advancing AI capabilities in data management and analytics.


Snowflake, which stores the world's digital warehouse in the cloud and serves over three billion queries a day, is working with Nvidia AI Foundry to build co-pilots using Nvidia Nemo and Nims. This partnership aims to enhance the efficiency and scalability of data storage and retrieval processes.


NetApp, a leader in data storage solutions, is collaborating with Nvidia AI Foundry to build chatbots and co-pilots with Vector databases and retrievers using Nemo and Nims. This partnership is expected to drive innovation in data storage and retrieval technologies.


Nvidia AI Foundry has formed a strategic partnership with Dell to enable the building of AI factories for large-scale enterprise systems. With Dell's expertise in end-to-end system building, this collaboration is set to transform the adoption of AI solutions powered by the Blackwell B200 GPU.

Nvidia's Role in Azure and Microsoft's Partnerships

Nvidia and Microsoft's partnership is driving the adoption of advanced AI solutions across industries through Azure. Some key aspects of their collaboration include:

Microsoft Azure Integration

Nvidia and Microsoft Azure are working together to accelerate a variety of AI services and capabilities within Azure. From AI services and chatbots to Nvidia Omniverse and Nvidia Healthcare integration, this collaboration is paving the way for cutting-edge AI solutions.

Nvidia Inference Microservice (NIMS)

Microsoft and Nvidia have developed the Nvidia Inference Microservice (NIMS) to curate and prepare data, fine-tune AI models, and evaluate their performance. This microservice simplifies the deployment and evaluation of AI models, making them accessible across the industry.

AI Foundry Collaboration

Nvidia AI Foundry is working with Microsoft on various initiatives, bringing the Nvidia ecosystem to Azure and Nvidia DGX Cloud. The seamless integration of Nvidia's advanced AI technology into Microsoft's infrastructure and cloud services is driving the adoption of AI solutions across industries.

Optimization and Packaging

Microsoft and Nvidia are collaborating to optimize and package AI software for Microsoft Azure. This packaged software includes pre-trained models, dependencies, and APIs, making it easy to download and run across various platforms, including different cloud environments and data centers.

Digital Twin Simulation

The integration of Nvidia Omniverse with Azure is revolutionizing digital twin simulations for robotics and industrial applications. By hosting Omniverse and Nvidia Healthcare in Azure, Microsoft is enabling the creation of complex digital twin simulations for AI-powered robots and virtual environments.

Integration with Dell for AI Factories

Nvidia has formed a strategic partnership with Dell to enable the building of AI factories for large-scale enterprise systems. As companies look to leverage advanced AI capabilities, the expertise of Dell in building end-to-end systems positions them as a key partner in enabling the adoption of AI solutions powered by the Blackwell B200 GPU.

Omniverse, Vision Pro, and Project Groot

Nvidia's announcement also includes advancements in virtual simulation, design integration, and humanoid robot learning. These groundbreaking developments include:

Omniverse Cloud and Vision Pro

Omniverse Cloud now streams to The Vision Pro, allowing users to seamlessly navigate virtual environments. With this integration, various design tools are connected to Omniverse, enabling a highly efficient and intuitive workflow.

Project Groot - General Purpose Foundation Model for Humanoid Robot Learning

Nvidia has introduced Project Groot, a foundational model for humanoid robot learning. This model takes multimodal instructions and past interactions as input and produces the next action for the robot to execute. With new compute orchestration services like Osmo and the Jetson Thor robotics chips, Project Groot provides the building blocks for the next generation of AI-powered robotics.


Nvidia's announcement of the Blackwell B200 GPU marks a significant advancement in the field of AI computing. With its groundbreaking features, unparalleled computational power, and seamless integration with existing Hopper systems, the Blackwell B200 GPU is set to revolutionize the way GPUs are designed and utilized. The platform's compatibility with a wide range of AI-driven applications, cloud computing, data processing, robotics, and virtual simulation demonstrates its versatility and potential to unlock new possibilities for advanced AI solutions.

Furthermore, Nvidia's strategic partnerships and collaborations with leading companies such as AWS, Google, Oracle, Microsoft, Dell, SAP, ServiceNow, Cohesity, Snowflake, NetApp, and Disney highlight the industry-wide recognition of the transformative capabilities offered by the Blackwell B200 GPU. These partnerships solidify the platform's position as a groundbreaking solution for AI computing, driving the adoption of advanced AI solutions across various industries.

In addition, Nvidia's advancements in virtual simulation, design integration, and humanoid robot learning with Omniverse, Vision Pro, and Project Groot showcase the company's commitment to pushing the boundaries of AI technology. The development of Project Groot as a foundational model for humanoid robot learning, in conjunction with the Jetson Thor robotics chips, lays the groundwork for the next generation of AI-powered robotics.

Overall, the Blackwell B200 GPU represents a significant leap forward in AI computing, offering unmatched speed, efficiency, and scalability for a wide range of applications. Nvidia's continued innovation and strategic partnerships position the Blackwell B200 GPU as a transformative platform that is poised to redefine the landscape of AI computing and unlock new frontiers in AI-driven solutions.


1. What is the Blackwell B200 GPU?

The Blackwell B200 GPU is a groundbreaking platform developed by Nvidia that represents a new era in AI computing. It features 28 billion transistors, an innovative two-die configuration, and 10 terabytes per second of data transfer capability, resulting in unparalleled computational power and seamless communication between its components.

2. What are the key features of the Blackwell B200 GPU?

Some of the key features of the Blackwell B200 GPU include memory coherent design, form fit function compatibility with existing Hopper systems, the MVY Link switch with 50 billion transistors, and compatibility with a wide range of AI-driven applications and systems.

3. What are the use cases and applications for the Blackwell B200 GPU?

The Blackwell B200 GPU is well-suited for AI-driven applications, high-performance AI systems, cloud computing, data processing, robotics, and virtual simulation. Its versatility makes it an ideal platform for a variety of AI computing needs.

4. What partnerships and collaborations have been announced for the Blackwell B200 GPU?

Nvidia has announced partnerships with leading companies such as AWS, Google, Oracle, Microsoft, Dell, SAP, ServiceNow, Cohesity, Snowflake, NetApp, and Disney, demonstrating the industry-wide recognition of the transformative capabilities offered by the Blackwell B200 GPU.

5. What are the advancements in virtual simulation, design integration, and humanoid robot learning?

Nvidia's advancements in virtual simulation, design integration, and humanoid robot learning with Omniverse, Vision Pro, and Project Groot showcase the company's commitment to pushing the boundaries of AI technology, laying the groundwork for the next generation of AI-powered robotics.

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